Meet Julie Christiansen – “The Anger Lady” and President of Leverage U.


We offer a number of training programs, corporate offerings, keynote speeches & more.


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It’s time to stop calling it Anger Management! 

WELCOME to Leverage U’s home for all things ANGER SOLUTIONS We are so excited to announce Julie Christiansen’s new book, The Rise of Rage will be released on February 13, 2024. This book distills much of what Julie has learned about anger over the 30 years of her storied career. Full of engaging stories, inspiring messaging, humour, and practical tools, this book is a must have for your TBR pile and your self-improvement toolkit.

Reserve your copy of The Rise of Rage today, by clicking on the book image. 


Here at Leverage U, we are all about helping you to create radical, positive, lasting change. If you could use helpful tips like communication and relationship hacks, workshops and public events, and strategies for implementing the change you so desperately seek, sign up for our E-Newsletter. To say thank you for subscribing (and we promise not to overload you with emails), we'll send you an E-copy of Julie Christiansen's new release, Positive, Radical, Lasting CHANGE.


The Rise of Rage is now available in bookstores everywhere! Click on the book image to learn where you can purchase your copy, and to gain access to all the book extras!

For BULK ORDERS please contact Broadleaf Books.

Cover of book Rise of Rage with flames and torn paper<br />

“Anger Solutions is not – and never has been – a Band Aid fix. Band Aids cover up the wound. Anger Solutions teaches people how to treat their own wounds, and to prevent further injury as they travel the road of life.”

– Julie Christiansen

dragon scales, a red dragon, title: Triggering the Dragon